This is the twenty second episode of the third season of the X-Men: The Animated Series.
- Black Panther
- Morlocks
- MjNari
- X-Factor
- Kangaroo
- Random
- Blockbuster
- Slither
- Peeper
- Lifter
- Shocker
- Arclight
- Copycat
- Gideon (only appearance)
- Saul (only appearance)
- Haven (only appearance)
- Monsoon (only appearance)
After being blamed for killing Magneto by Fabian Cortez, the X-Men are being chased by the fooled Acolytes and mutants aboard Asteroid M. Gambit holds off the mutants while his team mates escape onto a shuttle and make it back to Earth. Rogue worries about Gambit, but Professor X reassures her that Gambit is not dead and has just been taken prisoner. Beast says that they can go back up to the asteroid when he is finished putting some Shi'ar technology onto the Blackbird. Back on Asteroid M, Cortez has assumed command of the base.
The X-Men hold a funeral service for Magneto and then set off to rescue Gambit. On the asteroid, Cortez issues a threat to Earth and Amelia Voght, suspicious of her new leader, starts investigating if the X-Men are really guilty for killing Magneto or not and finds that the security tape for the time of Magneto's killing is missing. Meanwhile, the X-Men reach the asteroid and while, Beast starts disarming the nuclear missiles, Rogue and Wolverine look for Gambit. Amelia finds the video tape showing Cortez killed Magneto and shows it to the population of Asteroid M.
Back on Earth, Magneto appears to have survived Cortez firing his living quarters into space, as he has crash landed in a desert on Earth. With the Earth's magnetic field sustaining him, Magneto gets back to Asteroid M, disarming all its missiles so that Cortez can't fire them. Magneto then kills Cortez and blows up his asteroid, with all the mutants inside escaping back to Earth. However, it is revealed that Apocalypse saved Cortez from Magneto at the last minute.
- Writers: Jeff Saylor
- Cast:
- Chris Potter: Gambit
- Cedric Smith: Professor X
- Lenore Zann: Rogue
- George Buza: Beast
- Cal Dodd: Wolverine
- David Hemblen: Magneto
- Jeff Max Nicholls: Fabian Cortez
- Sheila McCarthy: Amelia Voght
- James Blendick: Apocalypse
- Len Carlson: President Kelly, Marco Delgado
- Eve Crawford: Carmella Unuscione
- Dan Hennessey: Chrome
- Paul Haddad: Byron Calley
- Previous Episode: Sanctuary Part 1
- Next Episode: Xavier Remembers
- This episode first aired on October 28th, 1995
- The X-Men not featured in this episode are Cyclops, Jean Grey, Storm and Jubilee
- This episode was originally shown as part of Season 4