Marvel 90's Cartoons Wiki

Clinton Barton is also known as the superheroes, Hawkeye and Goliath.


Hawkeye's origin's are unknown as well as the time of when he joined Force Works and the Avengers. Hawkeye has fought valiantly alongside his teammates in Force Works, despite being accused once of betraying the team to Mandarin. The hero later cleared his name by proving he had been looking after his elderly sick granddad, Jackson Wiley. When Tony Stark faked his death to try and foil one of Mandarin's plans, Hawkeye was one of the Force Works members who promptly left the team.

Some time after, Hawkeye became involved by an attack off Ultimo, where he was injured and Iron Man was forced to shrink down and place a chip on his spine. Despite the Hacker taking control of Ultimo, the hero prevailed. This is probably Hawkeye's most famous appearance in the series. When Iron Man was hunting down all those who had stolen his technology, he fought Hawkeye who was in command of the Guardsmen robots. The two fought but Iron Man defeated them. When Mandarin returned to try and conquer the Earth, Hawkeye joined the reformed Force Works in an effort to defeat the villain once and for all.

At some point, Hawkeye joined the Avengers, along with Iron Man, as the size changing hero 'Goliath'. The team joined forces with the Fantastic Four to defeat Ego the Living Planet.

